
The 'low down' of Olivia.

My three siblings on the left, my Dad and I on the right.

As you may learn, I can sometimes be a little scattered with my thoughts and direction. However, I know a few things for sure about myself and my life, so here's a little bit about me.

I am 20 years old and I am loving life as a student whilst studying BA Italian and Management Studies at The University of Reading. I am from a little town in the South West of England and have lived in the same house my whole life- which I absolutely love going home to when I need some loving (and food) from my great family.

I have a huge love for travelling, food, my family and also most things Italian. I might have a small addiction to LUSH products too, but I will try to contain that one.... Some of these topics are likely to crop up here, along with other exciting added extras to keep you on your toes!

I am writing this blog simply to express my thoughts on every day topics that interest me, which maybe somebody out there will enjoy or benefit from. :)

I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it, (which some days, might not be very much if I'm in a mound of books attempting to translate an Italian novel, or something similarly exhilarating, so sorry about that one). Jokes. Not

A Presto! 

Olivia x

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